Future Elite Sports

'Your Sport, Your Future'

Welsh Schools FA (WSFA) are delighted to announce a new four year partnership with UK based sports agency Future Elite Sport (FES), who focus on creating opportunities in football for students post sixth form, whilst simultaneously working towards an internationally recognised university degree. Whether you choose to pursue a career in soccer or in a different field of expertise, a soccer scholarship will help provide a platform to future success and career progression.

Martin Evans, Chairman of Welsh Schools FA "We are very excited to have secured this partnership with Dafydd and Future Elite Sports. The Welsh Schools u18's International team is a second chance for our players to represent the Welsh National Team. It's important players recognise and evaluate what their next steps are in their football careers and what Future Elite Sports provide is an opportunity for these players to carry on their careers at a high standard of football in USA and Australia.I'd like to pass on my thanks to Dafydd and Future Elite Sports for this partnership and look forward to seeing our players progress into this pathway in the future”.

Future Elite Sports has helped 1000’s of players to continue playing football abroad and in the UK once they have finished school. We pride ourselves on providing a high level service that supports learners throughout and guarantees a successful placement in football. Through our vast network of college coaches, we are able to link talented athletes to soccer programs that reflect their academic and athletic ambitions.

Dafydd Jones, who is the company’s Director and ex Wales Futsal International goalkeeper is delighted to have secured this deal with an association full of history “We believe the partnership will not only benefit students wanting to continue in football, while getting a university education but also add value to member schools within the WSFA. We look forward to developing a close and successful working relationship with both WSFA and it’s member schools over the next four years”

Over the past few years the company has worked successfully with the Welsh Colleges FA u19 squad and with a number of Further Education Colleges in Wales and are hoping to emulate this success within the Welsh schools structure. “We’ve had a great rapport with the FE colleges and are extremely excited to be partnering with WSFA and building relationships with individuals and the schools in Wales. The opportunity to be able to work with the players and schools and become associated with this historical association was an opportunity we couldn’t turn down” added Jones.

All players (Male and female) who play within WSFA competitions will be able to benefit from a special discount on any packages taken through Future Elite Sports.

To find out more please visit www.futureelitesports.com or drop an email to Dafydd Jones dafydd@futureelitesports.com 

Mae'n bleser gan Gymdeithas Pêl-droed Ysgolion Cymru (CPYC) gyhoeddi partneriaeth pedair blynedd gyda'r asiantaeth chwaraeon Future Elite Sport (FES), sy'n canolbwyntio ar greu cyfleoedd mewn pêl-droed i fyfyrwyr ar ôl y chweched dosbarth, wrth weithio ar yr un pryd tuag at radd prifysgol a gydnabyddir yn rhyngwladol. P'un a ydych chi'n dewis dilyn gyrfa mewn pêl-droed neu mewn maes arbenigedd gwahanol, bydd ysgoloriaeth pêl-droed yn helpu i ddarparu llwyfan ar gyfer llwyddiant a dilyniant gyrfa yn y dyfodol.

Mi ddywedodd Martin Evans, Cadeirydd CPYC "Rydym yn falch iawn ein bod wedi sicrhau'r bartneriaeth hon gyda Dafydd a Future Elite Sports. Mae Tîm Rhyngwladol dan 18 Ysgolion Cymru yn rhoi ail gyfle i'n chwaraewyr gynrychioli Tîm Cenedlaethol Cymru. Mae'n bwysig bod y chwaraewyr yn cydnabod. a gwerthuso beth yw eu camau nesaf yn eu gyrfaoedd pêl-droed ac mae'r hyn y mae Future Elite Sports yn ei ddarparu yn gyfle i'r chwaraewyr hyn barhau â'u gyrfaoedd ar safon uchel o bêl-droed yn UDA ac Awstralia. Hoffwn drosglwyddo fy niolch i Dafydd a Future Elite Sports ar gyfer y bartneriaeth hon ac edrychwn ymlaen at weld ein chwaraewyr yn symud ymlaen a'r llwybr hwn yn y dyfodol ”.

Mae Future Elite Sports wedi helpu nifer o chwaraewyr i barhau i chwarae pêl-droed dramor ac ym Mhrydain ar ôl iddynt orffen yn yr ysgol. Rydym yn ymfalchïo mewn darparu gwasanaeth lefel uchel sy'n cefnogi dysgwyr drwyddi draw ac yn gwarantu lleoliad llwyddiannus mewn pêl-droed. Trwy ein rhwydwaith helaeth o hyfforddwyr, rydym yn gallu cysylltu athletwyr talentog â rhaglenni pêl-droed sy'n adlewyrchu eu huchelgeisiau academaidd ac athletau.

Mae Dafydd Jones, sy’n Gyfarwyddwr y cwmni ac yn gyn golwr rhyngwladol tîm 'Futsal' Cymru yn falch iawn o fod wedi sicrhau’r bartneriaeth hon gyda chymdeithas sy’n llawn hanes “Credwn y bydd y bartneriaeth nid yn unig o fudd i fyfyrwyr sydd am barhau mewn pêl-droed, wrth gael addysg brifysgol ond hefyd ychwanegu gwerth i ysgolion sy'n aelodau o CPYC. Rydym yn edrych ymlaen at ddatblygu perthynas waith agos a llwyddiannus gyda CPYC a'i ysgolion sy'n aelodau dros y pedair blynedd nesaf. "

Dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf mae'r cwmni wedi gweithio'n llwyddiannus gyda charfan dan 19 Colegau Cymru a gyda nifer o Golegau Addysg Bellach yng Nghymru ac yn gobeithio efelychu'r llwyddiant hwn o fewn strwythur ysgolion Cymru. “Rydyn ni wedi cael perthynas wych gyda’r colegau AB ac rydyn ni’n hynod gyffrous i fod yn bartner gyda CPYC a meithrin perthnasoedd ag unigolion ac ysgolion Cymru. Roedd y cyfle i allu gweithio gyda’r chwaraewyr a’r ysgolion a dod yn gysylltiedig â’r gymdeithas hanesyddol hon yn gyfle na allem ei wrthod” ychwanegodd Jones.I ddarganfod mwy ewch i www.futureelitesports.com neu e-bostiwch Dafydd Jones ar dafydd@futureelitesports.com

Bydd pob chwaraewr (Gwryw a benyw) sy'n chwarae yng nghystadlaethau CPYC yn gallu elwa o ostyngiad arbennig ar unrhyw becynnau a gymerir trwy Future Elite Sports.

Am fwy o fanylion pellach ewch i www.futureelitesports.com neu e-bostiwch Dafydd Jones ar dafydd@futureelitesports.com


Address: 1 Filament Walk, Wandsworth, SW18 4CQ, England
Email: dafydd@futureelitesports.com
Tel: 0203 397 8588
Mob: 07770299836
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